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큰 도마뱀 관리 가이드 및 정보: 인클로저 요구 사항, 다이어트와 수유, 건강 등. 구슬 도마뱀을 유지하고 돌보는 방법, 도마뱀붙이, 비어드 드래곤 등.

Lizards Yawning

Do Lizards Yawn?

Yawning in lizards, including geckos, 수염 난 용, 이구아나, and monitor lizards, serves various purposes like jaw realignment, respiratory regulation, and social signaling.

Pet chameleon with name tag

Names for Chamaleon | 100 모든 성별을 위한 독특한 아이디어

Are you adopting a chameleon and looking for ideas on how to name your new pet? Take a look below for some inspiration, with our list of names suitable for any gender of chameleon. We’ve selected a few names inspired by the world of reptiles, chameleons, pop culture, and mythology, or which we simply found to be especially suited or funny for a chameleon. 아래에, a list of unique name… 더 읽어보기 »Names for Chamaleon | 100 모든 성별을 위한 독특한 아이디어

Drylok for wood

Using Drylok on Wood for Reptile Enclosures

Drylok, typically used for waterproofing masonry and concrete, has been adapted by some reptile owners for use on wooden enclosures. Despite not being designed for wood, a simple trick of applying a very thin coat first, followed by thicker coats, has shown some success.

북부 카이만 도마뱀 (드라세나 기아넨시스) 셰드 수족관에서, 시카고, 일리노이

5 미니 악어처럼 보이는 애완 도마뱀

악어와 어느 정도 유사한 도마뱀이 여러 종 있습니다., 거친 비늘과 같은, 긴 꼬리, 그리고 강력한 턱. 하지만, 그들은 훨씬 더 작습니다, 더 유순하다, 악어 사촌보다 돌보기가 더 쉽습니다. 여기 미니 악어처럼 보이는 애완용 도마뱀 다섯 마리가 있습니다..

Lizards and grapes

도마뱀은 포도를 먹을 수 있습니까??

Most species of herbivorous and omnivorous lizards can eat grapes, 하지만 적당히만. Grapes are high in oxalates, which can bind to calcium and prevent its absorption. This can lead to health problems such as kidney stones and bone loss. Grapes are also high in sugar, which can contribute to obesity if fed too often. If you choose to feed grapes to your lizard, be sure to remove the… 더 읽어보기 »도마뱀은 포도를 먹을 수 있습니까??