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» 비어디드래곤은 사과를 먹을 수 있나요??

비어디드래곤은 사과를 먹을 수 있나요??

Apples are a moderately healthy fruit choice for bearded dragons.

Bearded dragons can eat apples in moderation as they are a good source of hydration, 섬유, and some vitamins and minerals.

Because apples are somewhat high in sugar, consumption should be limited in order to minimize the risk of obesity and other health problems in bearded dragons.

수염 드래곤은 사과를 먹을 수 있나요??
Bearded Dragons vs Apples

경험상, 이상 10-20% 비어디드래곤의 식단은 과일로 구성되어야 합니다.

This means that an adult bearded dragon should only eat about 4-5 bite-sized pieces of apple once a week, and it’s best to alternate apples with other types of low-sugar fruits such as berries, 멜론, papaya and cantaloupe.

고려해야 할 사항

Remove the seeds and core. The seeds and core of apples contain amygdalin, a substance that can release cyanide when ingested.

While the amount of cyanide in an apple is not usually enough to harm a bearded dragon, it is best to err on the side of caution and remove the seeds and core.

Cut the apple into small pieces. Bearded dragons have small mouths and can choke on large pieces of food. Cut the apple into small pieces to make it easier for your dragon to eat.

Choose bio and pesticide-free apples. Bearded dragons can eat apple peels as long as they are pesticide-free.

The apple peel is a good source of fiber and vitamins, and it can help to keep your dragon’s digestive system healthy.

하지만, it is important to wash the apple peel thoroughly before feeding it to your dragon to remove any dirt or pesticides.

Bearded Dragon and Green Apple
Bearded Dragon and Green Apple

Are apples healthy for bearded dragons?

예, apples are a healthy fruit for bearded dragons. They are a good source of hydration, 섬유, 그리고 비타민 A와 C.

In general, apples are a good way to add some variety to your bearded dragon’s diet and provide them with important nutrients.

Because apples are also somewhat high in sugar, 그러니 적당량만 먹여야 합니다.

Can bearded dragons eat apples every day?

아니, bearded dragons should not eat apples every day. 사과는 당분이 많다, and too much sugar can lead to obesity and other health problems in bearded dragons.

경험상, 이상 10-20% 비어디드래곤의 식단은 과일로 구성되어야 합니다.

This means that an adult bearded dragon should only eat about 4-5 bite-sized pieces of apple once a week.

It is important to offer a variety of other fruits and vegetables to your bearded dragon to ensure that they are getting all the nutrients they need.

Can bearded dragons eat apple peels / apple skin?

예, bearded dragons can eat apple peels. The peel is a good source of fiber and vitamins, and it can help to keep your dragon’s digestive system healthy.

하지만, it is important to wash the apple peel thoroughly before feeding it to your dragon to remove any dirt or pesticides.

The peel is also a good source of antioxidants, which can help to boost your dragon’s immune system.

Can bearded dragons eat apple sauce?

예, bearded dragons can eat apple sauce. 하지만, 그것은 중요하다 choose apple sauce that does not contain any added sugar or artificial sweeteners.

You can also make your own apple sauce at home to be sure that it is safe for your dragon to eat.

Apple sauce is a good way to hydrate your dragon and provide them with some extra vitamins and minerals.

Can bearded dragons eat apple plant leaves?

아니, bearded dragons should not eat apple plant leaves. The leaves contain a substance called cyanide, which can be toxic to bearded dragons. Apple plant leaves are also a choking hazard, so it is best to avoid feeding them to your dragon altogether.

Can bearded dragons eat green apples / red apples / crab apples / pink lady apples?

예, bearded dragons can eat all types of apples, including green apples, red apples, crab apples, and pink lady apples.

Can bearded dragons eat apple seeds?

아니, bearded dragons should not eat apple seeds. The seeds of apples contain amygdalin, a substance that can release cyanide when ingested.

While the amount of cyanide in an apple seed is not usually enough to harm a bearded dragon, it is best to err on the side of caution and remove the seeds before feeding it to your dragon.

Can bearded dragons eat apple chips / dried apples?

아니, bearded dragons should not eat apple chips or dried apples.

Apple chips and dried apples are high in sugar and low in nutrients. They can also be a choking hazard for bearded dragons.

It’s best to feed fresh apples or apple sauce that is free of added sugar and sweeteners.

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