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» 비어디드래곤은 초콜릿을 먹을 수 있나요??

비어디드래곤은 초콜릿을 먹을 수 있나요??

Bearded dragons cannot have chocolate. Chocolate in any form is not safe for bearded dragons and you should never feed it to them.

사실은, chocolate is toxic to all types of reptiles including lizards.

Cocoa contains theobromine, a compound that can cause a number of health problems, 구토를 포함하여, 설사, 발작, 그리고 죽음.

수염 드래곤과 초콜릿
수염 드래곤과 초콜릿

Even a small amount of chocolate can be harmful to bearded dragons, so it is important to avoid feeding them this treat altogether.

수염 드래곤이 초콜릿을 먹었다고 생각한다면, 즉시 수의사에게 연락하십시오.

Cocoa contains large amounts of theobromine, a stimulant that is similar to caffeine.

It is metabolized more slowly in reptiles than in mammals, which means that it can stay in their system for longer and cause more problems.

테오브로민 외에도, chocolate also contains other compounds that are harmful to reptiles.

These compounds can damage the liver and kidneys in your beardie, and can also lead to heart problems.

Bearded dragon with chocolate bar
Bearded dragon with chocolate bar – do not feed.

The symptoms of chocolate poisoning in bearded dragons can be severe and require immeadiate veterinary attention.

Some of the most common symptoms include:

  • 구토
  • 설사
  • 과잉행동
  • 떨림
  • 발작
  • 호흡 곤란

치료하지 않고 방치할 경우, 초콜릿 중독은 결국 사망으로 이어질 수 있습니다.

If you see any of these symptoms in your bearded dragon, 즉시 수의사에게 연락하십시오.

비어디드 드래곤 대 초콜릿
Feeding chocolate to Bearded Dragon: Not a great idea

수염 드래곤이 초콜릿을 먹었다고 생각한다면, the first thing you should do is contact your veterinarian.

They will be able to assess the severity of the poisoning and recommend the best course of treatment.

In some cases, your veterinarian may recommend inducing vomiting to remove the chocolate from your bearded dragon’s stomach.

Treatment could include inducing vomiting, administering activated charcoal to absorb the toxins, or providing supportive care like fluids and heat.

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