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» 이구아나가 포도를 먹을 수 있나요??

이구아나가 포도를 먹을 수 있나요??

예, iguanas can eat grapes in moderation. Grapes are a good source of vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C, 칼륨, 그리고 섬유질.

하지만, they are also high in sugar and oxalates, which can be harmful to iguanas if consumed in excess.

Iguana and Grapes
Iguana and Grapes

You may want to remove the seeds from the grapes before feeding them to your iguana, and wash the grapes thoroughly before feeding.

You can also mix grapes with other fruits and vegetables to create a healthy and nutritious salad for your iguana.

If you are going to feed grapes to your lizard, it is important to do so in moderation. Only give them a few grapes at a time, once or twice a week.

Iguanas can eat any variety of grapes. 

녹색, 보라, 빨간색, 검은색, pink and yellow grapes, thompson grapes and concord grapes are all safe for bearded dragons, 과일이 익는 한.

그러나 씨없는 품종을 권장합니다.

고려해야 할 사항

  • Sugar content: Grapes are high in sugar, which can lead to weight gain and other health problems in iguanas. It is important to only feed grapes as an occasional treat.
  • Oxalates: Grapes contain oxalates, which can bind calcium and prevent its absorption. This can lead to calcium deficiency, which can be a serious health problem for iguanas.
  • Seeds: The seeds in grapes are generally to small to be a choking hazard for iguanas. 아직, you may want to remove the seeds before feeding grapes to your lizard, especially if its still a baby or juvenile. 또는, opt for seedless grape varieties.
Iguana eating grapes

더 나은 대안

If you are looking for a safe and healthy fruit to feed your iguana, there are many other options available.

  • Berries such as blueberries, 라즈베리, 딸기, mulberries, and blackberries are lower in sugar and oxalates compared to grapes, and they make for a tasty treat that iguanas tend to love. You may dust these with some calcium powder for a boost in much-needed minerals.
  • Other fruits like melons, 망고, and papaya are also healthy choices for iguanas.
  • Vegetables such as collard greens, 머스타드 그린, 순무 채소, 민들레 나물, 케일, and broccoli are all excellent choices for iguanas. These vegetables are high in calcium and other essential nutrients.
  • Other vegetables that iguanas can eat include bell peppers, 고구마, 당근, 강낭콩, 그리고 스쿼시.

It is important to offer iguanas a variety of fruits and vegetables to ensure that they are getting all of the nutrients they need.

It is also important to feed iguanas in moderation, as too much fruit can lead to health problems such as obesity and diarrhea.


To keep your pet iguana healthy, you should consider adding a calcium supplement without phosphorus to their diet two to four times a week.

This is because calcium is essential for strong bones, muscle function, and preventing metabolic bone disease.

You should also use a reliable reptile multivitamin once a week to provide your iguana with essential nutrients for growth, immune function, 전반적인 건강.

Remember to follow the dosage instructions and consult a reptile veterinarian for personalized guidance.

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