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» What Types of Berries Can You Feed a Tegu Lizard?

What Types of Berries Can You Feed a Tegu Lizard?

Tegu lizards love eating fruit and berries are some of the healthiest options you can choose.

사실은, 블루베리를 먹이는 것은 완벽하게 안전합니다., 블랙베리, 당신의 애완 동물 테구에게 딸기와 라즈베리.

베리는 일반적으로 설탕이 놀라울 정도로 낮기 때문에 정기적으로 먹이는 것에 대해 걱정할 필요가 없습니다. (다른 과일과 달리), 제외한 적당히 먹여야 하는 딸기.

라즈베리를 곁들인 테구, 블랙 베리, 블랙커런트, 블루베리와 딸기
Tegu can safely eat strawberries, 라즈베리, 블루 베리, blackberries and mulberries.

Tegus are omnivores and as a rule of thumb, 이상 10% of your tegu’s diet should consist of fruit.

콜롬비아 테구스와 어린 아르헨티나 테구스의 경우, 과일을 적게 먹이고 채소와 단백질을 더 많이 제공하는 것이 가장 좋습니다..

Treat berries as a tasty treat that will make your pet lizard happy – and make sure to dust them with some calcium powder or reptile multivitamin for an extra boost of nutrition.

Can Tegus Eat Strawberries?

예, tegus can have strawberries. These should be given sparingly due to their high content of oxalates and goitrogens.

Strawberries are also rich in vitamin C, 망간, and folate. They contain 32 calories per half a cup.

Can Tegus Eat Blueberries?

Absolutely, blueberries are 100% safe for tegus to eat and can contribute to a balanced diet.

Like all fruits, they should not be overfed. Blueberries are high in antioxidants, 비타민 C, vitamin K1, and manganese. They contain 57 calories per 3.5 온스 (100 그램).

Can Tegus Eat Blackberries?

Indeed, blackberries are safe for tegus. They can be included in their diet but should not be given excessively.

Blackberries are rich in vitamin C, 비타민 K, and manganese. They contain 62 calories per cup (144 그램).

Can Tegus Eat Raspberries?

예, tegus can eat raspberries. They are safe for tegus and should be fed in moderation.

Raspberries are a good source of fiber, 비타민 C, and manganese. They contain 64 calories per cup (123 그램).

Can Tegus Eat Mulberries?

예, mulberries can be fed to tegus in moderation, similarly to other berries.

Mulberries are rich in iron, 비타민 C, and several beneficial plant compounds.

They contain 43 calories per 3.5 온스 (100 그램). Always remember to provide a varied diet to your tegu for optimal health.

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