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Mājas » Do Tegu Lizards Like Being in Water?

Do Tegu Lizards Like Being in Water?

Ir dažādas tegu ķirzakas sugas, daži no tiem bauda ūdeni vairāk nekā citi.

Trīs tegu sugas parasti tiek turētas kā mājdzīvnieki (Marijas glābējs, salvator rufescens un tupinambis teguixin) ir sauszemes un dod priekšroku dzīvošanai uz zemes.

Tomēr tie ir ļoti pielāgojami dažāda veida vidēm, no lietus mežiem līdz pustuksnešiem, un daži cilvēki var baudīt peldēšanos, savukārt citi to nedara.

Another species known as the Caiman lizard technically belongs to the same family, and is sometimes referred to as “water tegus” because they are strong swimmers that require both aquatic and arboreal habitat.

Ziemeļkaimana ķirzaka (Dracaena guianensis) Shedd akvārijā, Čikāga, IL
A Caiman lizard a.k.a. water tegu swimming. Foto pieklājīgi no Dallas Krentzel.

Can Tegus swim?

All tegus can swim, some better than others. Some people recommend leaving a large enough container filled with water in your tegu’s enclosure that they can bathe in it if they wish to, but not deep enough that they can drown.

If you take your tegu for a swim in a pool or bathtub, always supervise them to make sure they can get back to the surface.

Adult tegus are not strong climbers so even if they are able to swim short distances, they may have trouble getting out of the water, and drowning is unfortunately a common cause of death.

It goes without saying that water tegus are more adapted to aquatic environments and are generally more comfortable in water.

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