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Can Bearded Dragon Eat Mealworms?

Bearded dragons can indeed consume mealworms, but they should not form a significant part of their diet. This is due to the high-fat content of mealworms.

Mealworms are the larvae of the yellow mealworm beetle. They are widely available and are often used as feeder insects for various pets, including bearded dragons.

Mealworms are high in fat and relatively low in protein. They can range from a centimeter to almost two inches in length, and are readily available as live prey or in freeze-dried form.

Bearded dragon and mealworms
Bearded dragon and mealworms

Adult bearded dragons can have mealworms in moderation, with a recommended serving of around five to six mealworms per week.

This should be part of a varied diet that includes a mix of other insects, зелень, and fruit.

Mealworms are not recommended for baby and juvenile bearded dragons. Their still-developing bodies are more susceptible to obesity and developmental problems, and the tough exoskeleton of mealworms can increase the risks of compaction in their digestive systems.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Mealworms?

Да, bearded dragons can eat mealworms. Однако, it’s important to note that mealworms should never be a staple of the lizard’s diet.

Like superworms and other high-fat food, it’s best to view mealworms as a snack more than anything else.

A few mealworms a week won’t do any harm, but feeding your beardie too many could lead to significant health problems.

How Many Mealworms Should You Feed Bearded Dragons?

Bearded dragons need a balanced diet that’s roughly 80 percent insects and 20 percent leafy greens and vegetables. That 80 percent should consist of many different types of insects.

Mealworms can contribute to these pet lizard’s diet, but they should only make up a tiny part of their overall dietary intake.

Veterinarians and experienced reptile enthusiasts recommend feeding adult bearded dragons no more than five or six mealworms a week.

Более того, it’s best to break up that allowance over several days instead of supplying it all at once. A simple rule is to simply allow your beardie to enjoy one or two mealworms every few days.

Are Mealworms Good For Bearded Dragons?

While it’s wise to think of mealworms as a treat for your bearded dragon rather than a diet staple, these feeder insects still have a lot to offer. Bearded dragons love to eat mealworms because they have a relatively high fat content. The fatty nature of mealworms has its pros and cons.

On the positive side, many reptile enthusiasts use mealworms as a way to coax lizards to eat. It can restore the creature’s appetite and encourage them to eat more food. The fat content is also an excellent energy source that can perk up a lethargic beardie.

Feeding Mealworms To Bearded Dragons

When feeding mealworms to your bearded dragon, there are a few things to keep in mind.

Первый, it is better to offer mealworms that are alive. Bearded dragons are attracted to the movement of their prey, and dead mealworms may not be as appealing.

Второй, учитывать gut-loading or dusting the mealworms with calcium before feeding them to your bearded dragon. This can help supplement your dragon’s calcium intake, which is crucial for their bone health.

Freeze-dried mealworms can be an occasional treat but are not a suitable alternative for live feedings, as they lose many nutrients, particularly proteins, during the freeze-drying process.

It is also not possible to gut-load dried mealworms, although you may still dust them with calcium powder and multivitamins before offering them to your pet.

Лучшие насекомые для бородатых агам

Насекомоебелок (%)Толстый (%)Кальций (мг/кг)Фосфор (мг/кг)
Дубия Тараканы21.43.17002600
Голиаф Черви93.074641394
Мучные черви18.713.41692950
Личинки черной солдатской мухи17.51493403560
Масляные черви15.529.41252250

Дубия Тараканы

Тараканы дубиа — популярный выбор среди владельцев бородатых агам, поскольку они богаты белком и кальцием., с низким содержанием жира, и прост в уходе. Их можно приобрести В сети или в большинстве зоомагазинов.

Дубия Тараканы

Роговые теплые / Голиаф Черви

Hornwarms, они же черви-голиафы, — еще один хороший вариант для бородатых драконов.. Они содержат большое количество влаги и питательных веществ., а также они являются хорошим источником бета-каротина., который может помочь улучшить цвет кожи вашего дракона.

Роговой / Голиаф Червь


Свиристели — жирные насекомые, поэтому их следует кормить только как лакомство. Однако, они являются хорошим источником энергии и могут быть полезны драконам, выздоравливающим после болезни или операции..



Суперчерви похожи на мучных червей, но они крупнее и имеют более мягкий экзоскелет. Это облегчает их переваривание бородатыми драконами..


Мучные черви

Мучные черви являются хорошим источником белка и кальция., но молодым бородатым драконам может быть трудно их переварить. Их следует кормить только как часть разнообразного рациона..

Мучные черви


Сверчки – распространенное кормовое насекомое., и они являются питательным выбором для бородатых агам с очень низким содержанием жира.. Однако их не так просто хранить., и они могут быть шумными и грязными.


Личинки черной солдатской мухи

Личинки черной львинки — отличная кормовая насекомая для бородатых агам.. Они имеют высокое содержание кальция и легко усваиваются кишечником.. Они могут быть немного дороже, чем другие кормовые насекомые., но они стоят вложений.

Личинки черной солдатской мухи

Масляные черви

Масляные черви — еще один хороший вариант для бородатых агам.. Они богаты белком и кальцием., и они также являются хорошим источником жира. Они могут быть немного грязными, но они являются популярным выбором для драконов.

Масляный червь


Шелкопряды не так распространены, как другие кормовые насекомые., но они могут быть хорошим вариантом для бородатых драконов. Они богаты белком и кальцием., и они также являются хорошим источником клетчатки. Однако, их может быть трудно найти и они могут быть дорогими.


Добавки кальция

Bearded dragon are susceptible to metabolic bone disease and other health conditions related to a lack of calcium in their diet.

Because of htis, it is recommended to dust feeder insects with calcium powder before feeding them to your pet.

Choose a calcium supplement that is formulated specifically for reptiles, and ideally a finely ground, a phosphorus-free formulation without Vitamin D3.

Рептикаций, кальциевая добавка
Zoo Med Repti Кальций без D3
Добавка кальция, благоприятная для рептилийРепкал Кальций без D3
Мультивитаминная добавка для рептилий
Витаминная добавка для рептилий Fluker's Repta
Bearded dragon eating mealworm
Bearded dragon eating mealworm

How many mealworms can a bearded dragon eat a day?

An adult bearded dragon should only consume around one or two mealworms every few days.

This is because mealworms are high in fat and should be considered more of a treat than a staple in their diet.

It’s important to remember that a bearded dragon’s diet should be varied and balanced. This includes a mix of insects, зелень, and fruit.

Overfeeding mealworms could lead to health problems due to their high fat content.

Can bearded dragons eat mealworms every day?

Нет, bearded dragons should not eat mealworms every day.

Mealworms have a high fat content, which can lead to health issues if consumed in large quantities or too frequently.

While mealworms can be a tasty treat for bearded dragons, they should not form a significant part of their diet.

It’s always best to provide a balanced diet for your bearded dragon, including a variety of insects, фрукты, и овощи.

Can I feed mealworms to baby bearded dragons?

Feeding mealworms to baby bearded dragons is not recommended.

Their bodies are still developing and are more prone to obesity and developmental issues.

The tough exoskeleton of mealworms can also pose a risk of compaction in their digestive systems.

It’s crucial to provide baby bearded dragons with a diet that supports their growth and development.

This includes smaller, softer insects that are easier for them to digest.

Can I feed my bearded dragon dried mealworms?

Technically yes, you can feed dried mealworms to your bearded dragon.

While freeze-dried mealworms can serve as an occasional treat, they are not a suitable alternative for live feedings.

The freeze-drying process causes them to lose many nutrients, particularly proteins.

Следовательно, live mealworms are always a better option for your bearded dragon’s diet.

They are more nutritionally balanced and provide the movement that stimulates the bearded dragon’s natural hunting instincts.

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