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Дом » Как собрать стек Retes для бородатых драконов

Как собрать стек Retes для бородатых драконов

A retes stack is a type of basking spot that is made up of a series of rocks or slate tiles that are stacked on top of each other, с тепловыми лампами, расположенными между ними.

Стеки Retes — популярный выбор среди владельцев бородатых агам, поскольку они безопасны., эффективный, и прочный.

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Bearded dragon basking on stack of rocks
Bearded dragon basking on stack of rocks

Benefits of a Retes Stack

Retes stacks offer a number of benefits over other types of basking spots, включая:

Retes stacks are very effective at providing bearded dragons with the heat they need.

The rocks or slate tiles help to distribute the heat evenly, and the different temperatures available allow bearded dragons to choose the basking spot that is most comfortable for them.

Retes stacks are very durable and can last for many years. The rocks or slate tiles are strong and resistant to heat, and the heat lamps are typically covered by a warranty.

Retes stacks are also generally very safe, as the heat lamps are shielded by the rocks or slate tiles.

This helps to prevent burns and other injuries compared to heating mats and basking rocks that may overheat and accidentally hurt your pet.

How to Build a Retes Stack

To build a retes stack for your bearded dragon, вам понадобятся следующие материалы:

  • Rocks or slate tiles
  • Тепловые лампы
  • Ceramic sockets
  • Lamp stand
  • Thermostat
  • Wire mesh screen

Stack the rocks or slate tiles on top of each other, with the largest tiles or rocks at the bottom and the smallest tiles or rocks at the top.

Place the heat lamps in between the tiles or rocks. Make sure that the heat lamps are properly spaced so that there is no risk of them overheating each other.

Secure the tiles or rocks together with screws or bolts.

Attach the ceramic sockets to the lamp stand.

Screw the heat lamps into the ceramic sockets.

Place the wire mesh screen over the top of the retes stack. This will help to prevent the heat lamps from overheating and causing a fire.

Place the retes stack in the enclosure at one end.

Use the thermostat to control the temperature of the basking spot. The ideal basking spot temperature for bearded dragons is between 95 а также 105 градусов по Фаренгейту.

Basking rock stack for bearded dragons

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