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Target Training for Tegu Lizards

Target training is a valuable technique for taming and training tegu lizards, as demonstrated by the experiences shared by seasoned reptile keepers.

This type of training can drastically reduce the chances of your pet biting you during feeding, which can occur especially during the years of guberty when tegus are known to show more aggressive behavior.

What is Target Training

At its core, target training involves teaching an animal to respond to a specific target.

In our case, we’ll focus on using a target stick—a brightly colored dowel rod, a textured object, or even a clicker.

By associating this target with positive reinforcement (usually treats), we guide our tegu to perform desired behaviors.

Here’s what the process may look like:

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How to tame a tegu with target training
Tegu Target Training

1. Choosing the Right Target Stick

The choice of target stick matters. It’s not just about aesthetics; it’s about creating a visual cue that your tegu will recognize during training sessions. Bright colors like red or orange as well as unique textures work well.

Alternativt, you may use a clicker. Any inexpensive clicker for cats or dogs will do the trick.

Clicker training works exactly in the same way, except it uses the sound of the clicker to create the association during training.

2. Creating a Positive Association

Introducing the target stick requires finesse. You want your tegu to view it as a friend, not a foe. Here’s a step-by-step approach:

  1. Steg 1: Begin by feeding your tegu a tasty treat (perhaps a juicy insect). This primes their palate and sets the stage for positive associations.
  2. Steg 2: Place the target stick near the treat. Observe your tegu’s reaction. Curiosity might lead them to investigate. That’s a good sign!
  3. Steg 3: As your tegu touches the stick (even accidentally), offer another treat immediately. Reinforce the connection between stick and reward.

Repeat this process consistently. Over time, your tegu will associate the stick (or clicker sound) with delightful surprises. It’s like saying, “Hey, follow this stick, and good things happen!”

3. Repeat until necessary

Tegus are intelligent creatures, but they’re also cautious. Keep training sessions short and frequent. Consistency is your secret weapon. Use the same target stick and cues each time. Gradually increase the distance between the tegu and the stick as they become more comfortable. Imagine building a bridge—one step at a time.

4. Gradually decrease reliance on the training stick

As your tegu becomes responsive to the target stick, it’s time to dial down its usage. Think of it as fading out the training wheels on a bicycle.

Encourage behaviors like following the stick, stationing near it, or even touching it intentionally.

Celebrate these small victories—they’re building blocks for trust.

Benefits of Target Training

Feeding Response Control

One of the main reasons tegu owners need target training is to help turn off the tegu’s feeding response during handling.

By associating the target stick with food rewards, the tegu is less likely to bite when handled. This is especially important for safety and building trust between the lizard and its keeper.

In addition to target training, and especially in the early stages, consider wearing heavy-duty gloves and using a pair of extra long tongs for reptiles to feed your pet to minimize the risk of biting even further.

Calmness and Cooperation

A well-trained tegu tends to be calmer and more cooperative during husbandry procedures.

A trained tegu is less likely to thrash around or become aggressive, and this is especially important as Tegus tend to go through a stage of “puberty” when they are around 2 år gammal.

Bonding and Communication

Target training enhances the bond between the tegu and its owner.

Positive reinforcement through target training builds trust and fosters a positive association with the keeper.

Enrichment and Mental Stimulation

Tegus are intelligent reptiles that get bored easily. Training provides cognitive challenges, keeping them mentally stimulated and engaged.

Learning new behaviors through target training can be both rewarding and enriching for the tegu.

Läs också: Tegu Taming, Hanterings- och potträningstips

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