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Σπίτι » Μπορούν οι οθόνες Savannah να τρώνε φρούτα?

Μπορούν οι οθόνες Savannah να τρώνε φρούτα?

When it comes to feeding your pet Savannah monitor, it’s important to provide a well-balanced diet that meets their nutritional needs.

But unlike other species of big lizards like tegus, Savannah monitors only need to be animal sources of food.

Στην πραγματικότητα, these reptiles are strict carnivores and you should not include any fruits or vegetables in their diet.

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Savannah Monitor Fruits
Savannah Monitors are strictly insectivores and should not be fed fruits nor vegetables.

Savannah monitors are native to Africa, where they feed primarily on insects, small rodents, and even other reptiles.

Στην άγρια ​​φύση, their diet is high in protein and low in carbohydrates.

While fruit may seem like a healthy addition to their diet, it can actually cause digestive issues and even lead to health problems.

When it comes to feeding your savannah monitor, stick to a diet that is high in insects and low in fruits and vegetables. Some good options include crickets, αλευροσκουλήκια, and waxworms.

Other sources of protein like meat, ψάρι και αυγά are also an option. It’s also important to dust their food with a calcium supplement to ensure they are getting the proper nutrition they need to thrive.

While it may be tempting to offer your savannah monitor a banana as a treat, this is not natural nor healthy for them.

Stick to a diet that is high in insects and low in carbohydrates, and always make sure to provide your pet with the proper nutrition they need to thrive.

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