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Hogar » ¿Pueden los dragones barbudos comer tomates??

¿Pueden los dragones barbudos comer tomates??

Bearded dragons can eat tomatoes in moderation. A small amount of tomato, about one-quarter of a tomato per month, is safe for bearded dragons to eat.

Tomatoes are a good source of vitamins A and C, as well as potassium.

Desafortunadamente, tomatoes also contain oxalates, que puede unirse al calcio y prevenir su absorción. Esto puede provocar una deficiencia de calcio., which can be harmful to bearded dragons.

Tomatoes are also quite acidic and can lead to upset stomach and digestion issues, and in general there are better, healthier options for reptiles.

Bearded Dragon and Tomatoes
Bearded Dragon vs Tomatoes

Cosas para considerar

Here are some things to keep in mind when feeding tomatoes to your bearded dragon:

  • Los tomates tienen bajos niveles de calcio.. Bearded dragons need a lot of calcium for healthy bones and development. Tomatoes only have about 10 milligrams of calcium per 100 gramos, which is not enough for a bearded dragon.
  • Tomatoes have a high phosphorus to calcium ratio. The ideal phosphorus to calcium ratio for bearded dragons is 1:1 a 2:1. Tomatoes have a phosphorus to calcium ratio of about 4:1, which is too high.
  • Tomatoes contain oxalates. Oxalates are compounds that can bind to calcium and prevent its absorption. This can lead to calcium deficiency in bearded dragons.
  • Only give your bearded dragon ripe tomatoes. Unripe tomatoes contain solanine, which is a toxin that can be harmful to reptiles.

Do Not Feed: Plantas y hojas de tomate.

It is not recommended to feed tomato stems or leaves to bearded dragons.

La tomatera forma parte de la familia de las solanáceas., y todas las partes de la planta, incluyendo las hojas, tallos, y flores, contain alkaloids that are toxic to reptiles. These alkaloids can cause a variety of health problems in bearded dragons, incluyendo vómitos, diarrea, convulsiones, e incluso la muerte.

The only part of the tomato plant that is safe for bearded dragons to eat is the ripe tomato fruit. Chop the fruit into small pieces and remove the seeds before serving to minimize the risk of impaction. Smaller varieties like cherry tomatoes and plum tomatoes can be fed whole.

Mejores alternativas

Si buscas una verdura segura y saludable para alimentar a tu dragón barbudo, hay muchas otras opciones disponibles. Some good choices include collard greens, Hojas de mostaza, col rizada, y pimientos. You should also offer your bearded dragon a calcium supplement to ensure that they are getting enough calcium in their diet.

Bearded dragon eating cherry tomatoes.

Can bearded dragons eat tomatoes?

Sí, bearded dragons can eat tomatoes, pero solo con moderación. Tomatoes are a good source of vitamins A and C, as well as potassium.

Sin embargo, they are also high in oxalates, que puede unirse al calcio y prevenir su absorción.

Por lo tanto, it is best to feed bearded dragons tomatoes only once or twice a week.

What types of tomatoes can bearded dragons eat?

Bearded dragons can eat all types of tomatoes, large or small, incluyendo tomates cherry, grape tomatoes, roma tomatoes, and beefsteak tomatoes.

If you are feeding large tomatoes, make sure to chop them into smaller pieces and remove the seeds before serving. Smaller tomatoes can be served whole.

Can bearded dragons eat green tomatoes?

No, bearded dragons should not eat green tomatoes and tomatos that are unripe.

Green tomatoes contain solanine, which is a toxin that can be harmful to reptiles, and can cause upset stomach, discomfort, and lead to health complications.

It is recommended to only feed ripe red or yellow tomatoes to your pet bearded dragon. Discard any part of the fruit that isn’t fully ripe.

Can bearded dragons eat tomato every day?

No, bearded dragons should not eat tomatoes every day.

The ideal amount of tomato to feed a bearded dragon is about one-quarter of a tomato per week. This can be given as a treat, or it can be mixed in with their regular diet.

Can bearded dragons eat tomato seeds?

Tomato seeds are not toxic for reptiles and can be consumed in small amounts. It is however better to remove the seeds when feeding as they can lead to impaction in large amounts.

This is especially important for larger sturdy tomatoes with hard seeds, like beefsteak tomatoes.

It is generally considered ok to feed small tomatoes like cherry tomatoes whole with the seeds as these are softer and easier to digest.

Can bearded dragons eat tomato plant leaves?

No, bearded dragons should not eat tomato plant leaves, tallos, or any green part of the plant. Tomato plants contain solanine, which is a toxin that can be harmful to reptiles.

If your bearded dragon has eaten tomato plant leaves, it is important to seek veterinary attention immediately. There is no specific antidote for solanine poisoning, but your veterinarian may be able to induce vomiting or give your dragon activated charcoal to help absorb the toxin.

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