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Are There Komodo Dragons in California?

Are There Komodo Dragons in California?

California, famous for its diverse wildlife, is home to all sorts of animals, from grizzly bears to desert tortoises. But one critter you won’t stumble upon in the wild here is the Komodo dragon. These guys are the biggest lizards globally and hail from Indonesia, a pretty far-off place from the U.S. They mostly hang out on islands like Komodo and Flores and aren’t found anywhere in the Americas. Incluso… Lee mas »Are There Komodo Dragons in California?

Tegu with the flag of Florida

Are Tegus Legal in Florida?

As of 2022, it is illegal to keep Tegu lizards a pet in Florida. Tegu have become an invasive species and there are strict restrictions on the transportation, owning, selling and breeding of these animals in the state.

Tegus in Canada

Are Tegus Legal in Canada?

Good news for reptile enthusiasts in Canada: Tegu lizards are generally allowed pets. Unlike Monitor lizards which are banned in much of the country, Tegus are completely legal to own. This is because even though tegus are grow quite large as adults, they do not exceed the maximum size of 2 metres and unlike monitors, they are not venomous. All most common species of Tegus in the pet trade meet… Lee mas »Are Tegus Legal in Canada?

Monitora de quinceañera / Monitor amarillo

Hoja de cuidados de la monitora Quince

El Monitor Quince también conocido como Monitor Amarillo (Varanus melinus), Es una especie de lagarto monitor de tamaño mediano originaria del sudeste asiático.. Conocido por su coloración vibrante y comportamiento activo., Son una opción popular entre los entusiastas de los reptiles.. En la naturaleza, Los membrillos habitan en las selvas tropicales y pantanos de países como Tailandia., Malasia, e Indonesia. Son criaturas semiacuáticas y a menudo se encuentran cerca de cuerpos de agua.. Quince Monitor Info Características Físicas… Lee mas »Hoja de cuidados de la monitora Quince