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Home » 5 Geckos Species That Look Like Dragons

5 Geckos Species That Look Like Dragons

Geckos are amazing creatures, with over 1500 species that come in all shapes and sizes.

Among the many gecko species, some resemble mythical dragons with their unique physical characteristics.

These geckos appear to have leaped out of the pages of a fantasy novel and into our world, with horn-like projections and dragon-like scales.

Below, a list of gecko lizards that look just like tiny dragons.

Gargoyle Geckos (Rhacodactylus auriculatus)

Gargoyle Geckos (Rhacodactylus auriculatus)
Gargoyle Geckos (Rhacodactylus auriculatus)

Gargoyle Geckos come from a place called New Caledonia. They have something really cool on their heads. It’s a row of tiny spikes that look like a dragon’s horns.

These geckos like to stay up at night. They are most active when it’s dark outside. During the day, they like to rest in the trees.

Their bright colors and their dragon-like horns make them very special. People who love reptiles really like these geckos.

Crested Geckos (Correlophus ciliatus)

Crested Geckos (Correlophus ciliatus)
Crested Geckos (Correlophus ciliatus)

Crested Geckos are also from New Caledonia. Some people call them Eyelash Geckos.

They have a row of tiny spikes above their eyes that look like a dragon’s horns.

What’s really cool about these geckos is that they can change their color. This makes them look even more like dragons.

They are easy to take care of, which is why many people like to have them as pets.

Leaf-tailed Geckos (Uroplatus spp.)

Leaf-tailed Geckos (Uroplatus spp.)
Leaf-tailed Geckos (Uroplatus spp.)

Leaf-tailed Geckos are from Madagascar. They have a tail that looks like a leaf. This makes them look like dragons.

Their tail is not the only thing that makes them special. They can also blend into their surroundings. This makes them one of the most dragon-like geckos.

There are so many different types of geckos and these ones really stand out.

New Caledonian Bumpy Geckos (Teratolepis fimbriatus)

New Caledonian Bumpy Geckos have skin that is bumpy and textured. This makes them look like they have dragon scales.

These geckos are small and quick. They move in a way that is both interesting and a little scary, just like dragons.

Their bumpy skin and the way they move make them very unique. If you like reptiles, you would probably like these geckos.

Mourning Geckos (Lepidodactylus lugubris)

Mourning Geckos (Lepidodactylus lugubris)
Mourning Geckos (Lepidodactylus lugubris). Photo Courtesy of Connor Long – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0

Mourning Geckos come from Southeast Asia. They have a long snout that looks like a dragon’s snout.

These geckos are small and quick. They move in a way that is both interesting and a little scary, just like dragons.

Their long snout and the way they move make them very unique. If you like reptiles, you would probably like these geckos.

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