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How to Repel Monitor Lizards from your House

Monitor lizards are fascinating creatures that can be found in many parts of the world, but they can sometimes become a nuisance when they enter human spaces.

While monitor lizards are generally harmless and can be very effective at pest control, they can be intimidating due to their size and appearance.

Fortunately, there are several ways to deter monitor lizards and keep them away from your property.

How to deter monitor lizards from your house
Monitor lizards are not dangerous, but may break into households in countries that have a tropical weather.

Strong Spices

Monitor lizards have a strong sense of smell, and certain scents can be overwhelming to them.

Strong spices like black pepper and cayenne can be used to deter monitor lizards.

These spices can be sprinkled around the perimeter of your property or in areas where you have seen monitor lizards.

The spicy smell will irritate their noses and make them uncomfortable, causing them to avoid the area.

Lemongrass and Citronella

Lemongrass and citronella are natural deterrents that can be used to keep monitor lizards away.

These scents are pleasing to humans but unpleasant to monitor lizards. You can plant lemongrass and citronella around your property or use essential oils to create a barrier.

The strong smell of these plants will keep monitor lizards away, making them a great natural solution.

Garlic and Onion

Garlic and onion are other scents that monitor lizards dislike. These pungent odors can be used to deter monitor lizards from entering your property.

You can place garlic or onion peels in areas where you have seen monitor lizards or use essential oils to create a barrier.

The strong smell of these plants will irritate their noses and make them uncomfortable, causing them to avoid the area.

Eucalyptus, Peppermint, and Lavender

Eucalyptus, peppermint, and lavender are also known to be unpleasant to monitor lizards. These strong-smelling herbs can be used to deter monitor lizards from entering your property.

You can plant these herbs around your property or use essential oils to create a barrier.

The strong smell of these herbs will irritate their noses and make them uncomfortable, causing them to avoid the area.

Lemon and Vinegar

Lemon and vinegar are acidic scents that can be unpleasant to monitor lizards.

These scents can be used to create a barrier around your property or in areas where you have seen monitor lizards.

The acidic smell will irritate their noses and make them uncomfortable, causing them to avoid the area.


Pine-Sol is a strong-smelling cleaner that can be used to deter monitor lizards.

The smell of Pine-Sol is unpleasant to monitor lizards, and they will avoid areas where it is present.

You can use Pine-Sol to clean areas where you have seen monitor lizards or use it to create a barrier around your property.

Tabasco Sauce and Pepper

For a more potent deterrent, a mixture of Tabasco sauce and pepper can be used.

This spicy concoction is highly unpleasant to monitor lizards and can be used to create a barrier around your property or in areas where you have seen monitor lizards.

The spicy smell will irritate their noses and make them uncomfortable, causing them to avoid the area.

Naphthalene Balls

Naphthalene balls, commonly used as mothballs, can also be used to deter monitor lizards.

The strong smell of naphthalene is unpleasant to monitor lizards, and they will avoid areas where it is present.

You can place naphthalene balls in areas where you have seen monitor lizards or use them to create a barrier around your property.

Coffee Powder

Coffee powder is another deterrent that can be used to keep monitor lizards away.

The strong smell of coffee is unpleasant to monitor lizards, and they will avoid areas where it is present.

You can sprinkle coffee powder around the perimeter of your property or in areas where you have seen monitor lizards.

Cold Temperatures

Monitor lizards are cold-blooded animals, and they are less active in cold temperatures.

If you live in an area with hot weather, you can use this to your advantage by keeping your home or property cool.

Monitor lizards will avoid cold temperatures and will be less likely to enter your property during the winter months.

As juveniles, monitor lizards spend much of their time climbing on trees to avoid predators.
As juveniles, monitor lizards spend much of their time climbing on trees to avoid predators.


Monitor lizards are naturally shy and would rather stay away from humans.

These animals are not aggressive towards humans unless provoked, and as long as people keep their distance and leave them alone, they will not pose a threat.

Another reason why monitor lizards may be afraid of humans is due to their fear of being hunted. In many parts of the world, monitor lizards are hunted for their skin, which is used to make leather products.

This has led to a decline in the population of some species, and they are now considered endangered.

Loud Noises

One of the things that monitor lizards are afraid of is loud noises and sudden movements.

This is because they are naturally timid creatures that prefer to avoid confrontation whenever possible.

In urban areas, monitor lizards are often seen darting away when they hear loud noises or see people approaching them.

Natural predators

Monitor lizards are also afraid of certain predators, such as large birds of prey and crocodiles.

These predators are a natural threat to monitor lizards, and they will do everything they can to avoid them.

In some cases, monitor lizards may even play dead in order to avoid being attacked by a predator.

Younger monitor lizards are especially scared of birds who often attack them from above. Because of this, you should never grab a monitor lizard by its tail, as it could trigger them to panic and become aggressive.

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