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Navodila za nego in informacije o kuščarju Tegu: zahteve glede ohišja, prehrana in hranjenje, zdravstvena dejstva in več. Kako vzdrževati in skrbeti za teguja kot hišnega ljubljenčka – Argentinski črno-beli tegus, Red je bil zaposlen, Kolumbijski zlati tegus, itd.

Ali lahko tegus jedo korenje

Can Tegus eat Carrots?

  • dejanje

ja, you can feed tegu lizards both carrots and carrot tops. Tegus need a variety of vegetables as part of their diet, in korenje (including their leaves) are a very healthy choice thanks to their high amounts of vitamins and nutrients. Argentine black and white tegus and red tegus will need approximately 30% of their diet to be in the form of vegetables. For Colombian tegus / gold tegus, this… Preberi več »Can Tegus eat Carrots?

Can tegu eat shrimp

Can tegus eat shrimp?

  • dejanje

Tegu lizards can safely eat seafood such as shrimp, prawn, crab, and crawfish, which are a great source of protein and calcium. Vendar, high sodium levels mean that seafood should not be fed regularly. It is important to take precautions such as feeding it raw, unshelled, and frozen to avoid impaction or choking hazards.

Can tegus live with other pets?

Ali lahko hranite kuščarje tegu z mačkami in psi?

  • dejanje

You may have heard that as far as big lizards are concerned, tegus make the best pets. It’s true – they are docile, pameten, zabavno obdržati, in ni nevaren za ljudi. Ampak, če imate mačke, psi ali druge majhne živali v vaši hiši, then you may wonder if it’s okay to let them play together with your tegu. Housing tegu with cats Tegu lizards are actually quite… Preberi več »Ali lahko hranite kuščarje tegu z mačkami in psi?

Vadba za kahlico Tegu

Zdravje Tegu Poop & Navajanje na kahlico

  • dejanje

Skrb za kuščarja tegu je v marsičem podobna skrbi za majhnega psa. Ti masivni plazilci radi veliko jedo in zaradi tega je za lastnika hišnega ljubljenčka lahko neprijetno ukvarjanje z njihovimi toaletnimi navadami. Mnogi ljudje imajo raje, da svoje teguje opravljajo svoje posle v kopalni kadi, kjer jih je lažje očistiti. Na srečo, teguji so inteligentne živali, ki z nekaj truda lahko uspešno… Preberi več »Zdravje Tegu Poop & Navajanje na kahlico

Tegu and water melon

Can tegus eat watermelon?

  • dejanje

Watermelon is perfectly safe for tegus to eat and it can be a healthy addition to their diet in moderation. Watermelon and melons in general make for a good treat for tegu lizards, as long as they are fed sporadically. This is because of the high sugar content in melons and fruit in general. It is best to serve watermelon without seeds and rind to avoid the risk of constipation,… Preberi več »Can tegus eat watermelon?

Can tegus eat tomato

Can Tegus Eat Tomatoes?

  • dejanje

Tegus can eat tomatoes, but they should be fed sporadically as they lead to stomach issues and other health implications. Paradižnik vsebuje vitamin C, A, antioksidanti in vlaknine, torej niso revne s hranili. Kljub svojim zdravstvenim koristim, paradižniki so zelo kisli in imajo nekoliko veliko oksalatov, zato lahko v velikih količinah povzročajo težave. Things to Consider Some things to keep in mind when feeding tomatoes to your… Preberi več »Can Tegus Eat Tomatoes?

Can tegus have broccoli?

Can Tegus eat Broccoli?

  • dejanje

Tegus can eat small amount of broccoli without health implications, but they should not be stables in their diet. It is recommended to only feed broccoli to tegus sporadically. In terms of nutrition, broccoli is healthy, but it contains substances such as oxalic acid, which may become harmful to reptiles in larger quantities. Things to Consider Broccoli is a nutrient-dense vegetable that can offer several health benefits for your tegu.… Preberi več »Can Tegus eat Broccoli?

Can tegu eat peppers?

Can tegus eat bell peppers?

  • dejanje

Tegus can safely consume sweet peppers and chillies. Bell peppers are healthy and nutritious and you can feed them to your tegus regularly without any problems. V idealnem primeru, serve your tegu lizards organic yellow, orange or red bell peppers raw and cut into small pieces, without the seeds. Green bell peppers are also an option but won’t pack as much nutrion (red peppers contain 11 times more beta-carotene and 1.5 times… Preberi več »Can tegus eat bell peppers?