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How to Choose the Right Insects for Your Bearded Dragon

Bearded dragons are omnivores, which means they eat both animal protein and plant matter.

I det vilda, a bearded dragon’s diet consists of insects, small invertebrates, and naturally occurirng vegetation.

Som husdjur, it’s important to feed them a balanced diet that is as close to their natural diet as possible.

Feeder insects are an essential part of their diet, providing them with protein, calcium, and other nutrients.

Some good options for insects include crickets, mjölmaskar, dubia mörtar, och silkesmaskar. It is also important to dust the insects with calcium powder to help ensure they are getting enough calcium.

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Bearded Dragon and Insects
Bearded Dragon and Insects

Andelen insekter och grönsaker i en skäggig drakes kost bör variera beroende på deras ålder.

Hatchlings (0-3 månader)85%15%4-5 gånger om dagen
Ungdomar (4-12 månader)70-80%20-30%2-3 gånger om dagen
Vuxna (1-7 år)15-30%70-85%1-2 gånger om dagen
Seniorer (> 7 år)15%85%1-2 gånger om dagen
Bearded Dragon Diet Procentandelar av insekter och grönsaker, Utfodring efter ålder

Hatchlings and juveniles need a lot of feeder insects to help them grow and develop. De ska erbjudas så mycket de kan äta, 4-5 gånger om dagen.

När de växer, de kommer att börja lita mindre på insekter och mer på grönt och grönsaker. Adults only need as little as 15% insekter i kosten, och kommer att äta mindre ofta när de åldras.

Nedan, some of the most common feeder insects for bearded dragons.

Best Insects for Bearded Dragons

InsectProtein (%)Fett (%)Kalcium (mg/kg)Fosfor (mg/kg)
Dubia Roaches21.43.17002600
Goliath Worms93.074641394
Black Soldier Fly Larvae17.51493403560

Dubia Roaches

Dubia roaches are a popular choice for bearded dragon owners because they are high in protein and calcium, low in fat, och lättskött. They can be purchased online or at most pet stores.

Dubia Roaches

Hornwarms / Goliath Worms

Hornwarms aka Goliath worms are another good option for bearded dragons. They are high in moisture and nutrients, and they are also a good source of beta-carotene, which can help to improve the color of your dragon’s skin.

Hornwarm / Goliath Worm


Waxworms are a high-fat insect, so they should only be fed as a treat. i alla fall, they are a good source of energy and can be helpful for dragons that are recovering from illness or surgery.



Superworms are similar to mealworms, but they are larger and have a softer exoskeleton. This makes them easier for bearded dragons to digest.



Mealworms are a good source of protein and calcium, but they can be hard for young bearded dragons to digest. They should only be fed as part of a varied diet.



Crickets are a common feeder insect, and they are a nutritious choice for bearded dragons which is very low in fat. They are however not the easiest to keep, as and they can be noisy and messy.


Black Soldier Fly Larvae

Black soldier fly larvae are an excellent feeder insect for bearded dragons. They have a high calcium content and are easy to gut-load. They can be a bit more expensive than other feeder insects, but they are worth the investment.

Black Soldier Fly Larvae


Butterworms are another good option for bearded dragons. They are high in protein and calcium, and they are also a good source of fat. They can be a bit messy, but they are a popular choice for dragons.



Silkworms are not as common as other feeder insects, but they can be a good option for bearded dragons. They are high in protein and calcium, and they are also a good source of fiber. i alla fall, they can be difficult to find and can be expensive.


Gut-loading Insects

Gut-loading is the process of feeding insects a nutritious diet before feeding them to your bearded dragon.

This helps to ensure that the insects are getting “loaded” with nutrients, and that your dragon will have access with these nutrients when they eat the insects.

There are a few different ways to gut-load insects. One way is to feed them a diet of vegetables, frukter, and greens.

Another way is to feed them a commercial gut-loading supplement, particurarly one that is rich in calcium.

Calcium Supplementation

In addition to gut-loading insects, it is also important to supplement your bearded dragon’s diet with calcium.

This can be done by dusting the insects with calcium powder before feeding them to the dragon.

It is important to use a calcium powder that is specifically designed for reptiles. Do not use calcium supplements that are designed for humans or other animals.

Repticalcium kalciumtillskott
Zoo Med Repti Calcium utan D3
Reptilvänligt kalciumtillskottRepcal Calcium utan D3
Reptil multivitamintillskott
Flukers Repta Vitamin Reptil Supplement

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