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Big lizards care guide and information: enclosure requirements, diet and feeding, health and more. How to keep and care for beaded lizards, geckos, bearded dragons and so on.

Lizard with strongest bite

What Lizard Has The Strongest Bite Force?

In the realm of reptiles, the Tegu lizard stands out for its formidable bite force, relying on physical strength for hunting. On the other hand, Komodo dragons, with their venomous bite and substantial size, are known for taking down prey much larger than themselves.

Lizards Yawning

Do Lizards Yawn?

  • Lizards

Yawning in lizards, including geckos, bearded dragons, iguanas, and monitor lizards, serves various purposes like jaw realignment, respiratory regulation, and social signaling.

Gecko species that look like dragons

5 Geckos Species That Look Like Dragons

Discover geckos resembling dragons with unique features like horn-like projections and dragon-like scales. Explore these mythical reptiles in their natural habitats.

Pet chameleon with name tag

Names for Chamaleon | 100 Unique Ideas for Any Gender

  • Lizards

Are you adopting a chameleon and looking for ideas on how to name your new pet? Take a look below for some inspiration, with our list of names suitable for any gender of chameleon. We’ve selected a few names inspired by the world of reptiles, chameleons, pop culture, and mythology, or which we simply found to be especially suited or funny for a chameleon. Below, a list of unique name… Read More »Names for Chamaleon | 100 Unique Ideas for Any Gender

Drylok for wood

Using Drylok on Wood for Reptile Enclosures

  • Lizards

Drylok, typically used for waterproofing masonry and concrete, has been adapted by some reptile owners for use on wooden enclosures. Despite not being designed for wood, a simple trick of applying a very thin coat first, followed by thicker coats, has shown some success.

Northern Caiman Lizard (Dracaena guianensis) at the Shedd Aquarium, Chicago, IL

5 Pet Lizards That Look Like Mini Alligators

  • Lizards

There are several species of lizards that have some resemblance to alligators, such as rough scales, long tails, and powerful jaws. However, they are much smaller, more docile, and easier to care for than their crocodilian cousins. Here are five pet lizards that look like mini alligators.