» 爬虫印记: 可能吗?

爬虫印记: 可能吗?

在动物行为中, 印记是一种学习形式,它允许孵化和新生儿通过在生命的关键最初几天观察他们的父母来识别自己是特定物种的成员.

印记主要发生在鸟类和少数哺乳动物中, 但 没有为爬行动物和蜥蜴留下印记之类的东西.

一些爬行动物, 特别是蜥蜴和乌龟, 经过定期处理和护理后,可能会与主人建立联系, 但这与印记不同.

蜥蜴幼体不会在人类身上留下印记, 可悲的是.
壁蜥孵化. 照片由 哈维尔·阿巴洛斯.

What is imprinting?

Imprinting is a type of learning that occurs early in life and results in a strong attachment to a specific object or individual.

It is most common in birds and mammals, whereas there is little evidence of imprinting in reptiles.

Sometimes, baby crocodiles or lizards can be observed following their mother around, but that is not necessarily a sign of imprinting.

Reptiles are solitary animals and do not need to form strong bonds with their caregivers in order to survive.

Cannibalism is also relatively common in many reptile species, which means that the young may see adults as a potential predator and hide from them.

Komodo dragons, for example, will spend most of their time climbing on trees as juvenile in order to escape from adults who actively prey on them.


大多数爬行动物学会识别定期照顾和处理它们的人, 他们最终会承认它们是值得信赖的食物来源.

这更像是一种机会主义的关系,而不是一种结合形式, 尽管.

只有少数聪明的蜥蜴物种, 比如胡须龙, tegu 和巨蜥, 在适当的条件下似乎确实与人类建立了联系.

一些护理人员报告说他们的宠物对它们表现出兴趣,甚至会忽略食物而倾向于处理, 这对于所有其他爬行动物物种(例如蛇)来说是不寻常的, 无论如何都不会对主人表现出任何形式的感情.

据报道,特古蜥蜴是深情的,甚至是可爱的 当得到妥善照顾, 但这只能在几个月后实现 (或年) 处理的, 和压印不一样.

孵化和幼年爬行动物不会与父母建立直接联系 (既不是人类也不是生物), 但宁愿将它们视为潜在的掠食者并逃跑躲藏.


Do snakes imprint?

There is no evidence to suggest that snakes imprint.

Most female snakes abandon their eggs after laying them.

The hatchlings are born independent and must fend for themselves immediately.

There is no such thing as parental care in snakes, therefore no opportunities for imprinting.

Do crocodiles imprint?

There is some evidence to suggest that crocodiles may imprint.

Studies have shown that baby crocodiles will follow their mothers more closely than they will other individuals.

然而, other studies have shown that baby crocodiles will follow any moving object, regardless of whether it is their mother or caregiver.

Do alligators imprint?

As for crocodiles, there is some evidence to suggest that they may imprint.

Studies have shown that baby crocodiles will follow their mothers more closely than they will other individuals.

然而, other studies have shown that baby crocodiles will follow any moving object, regardless of whether it is their mother or caregiver.

Do lizards imprint?

There is also some evidence to suggest that lizards may imprint.

Studies have shown that baby lizards will respond to their caretakers more readily than they will to other individuals.

然而, other studies have shown that baby lizards will respond to any human who touches them, regardless of whether they are their caretaker or not.

Do turtles imprint?

There is some evidence to suggest that sea turtles may imprint on the beach where they were born.

Studies have shown that sea turtles will return to the same beach to lay their own eggs.

然而, it is not clear whether this is due to imprinting or simply because sea turtles are drawn to the beach where they hatched.

More research is needed to determine whether or not sea turtle imprinting is a real phenomenon.

