» 蓝舌石龙子可以吃鳄梨吗?


永远不要给蓝舌石龙子喂鳄梨, 出于各种原因.

鳄梨含有一种称为 persin 的化合物,已知该化合物对鸟类和一些爬行动物有毒, 有人观察到其他蜥蜴在吃了鳄梨几个小时后就会生病和死亡.

Blue tongue skink and avocado
Blue-tongued skink vs Avocado

而且, 鳄梨富含大量草酸,已知草酸会与矿物质和维生素结合形成草酸盐, which reptiles often have issues expelling from their bodies.

This may lead to the formation of kidney stones and have a negative effect on your tegu’s ability to absorb calcium, eventually leading to metabolic bone disease.

Even if skinks were able to digest the nutrients in avocado, the large amount of calories and fat in it would make them prone to obesity. In conclusion: no – blue tongue skinks cannot have avocado, under any circumstances.

胖的22.7 gramsVery high
碳水化合物9 gramsNormal
纤维7 gramsHigh
5 milligramsLow
52 milligramsNormal
Folate108.8 microgramsVery high
Nutritional value for 100g of avocado

蓝舌石龙子的 Reptilink 选项

这 25/25/50 杂食混合物 + Insects retilinks 专为其中含有的成年和亚成年蓝舌石龙子而配制 50% 植物性物质 (没有水果), 25% 昆虫, 和 25% 瘦兔子.

原料: 昆虫 (嘶嘶蟑螂, 蟋蟀, 超级蠕虫), 兔子 (俄亥俄州饲养新西兰白或加州白品种, 包括整个尸体) 有机绿豆, 羽衣甘蓝, 蒲公英绿叶菜, 苣荬菜, 100% 天然胶原蛋白肠衣.

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