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Do Iguanas Make Good Pets? Things You Should Know

Green iguanas may catch your eye as exotic and intriguing pets, and there are many reasons while you may want to adopt one.

These animals are intelligent, curious, and active, and they can provide years of companionship. That said, they are not for everyone.

As a matter of fact, iguanas are some of the most difficult and challenging lizards to keep as pets, for a variety of reasons.

Their temperament, demanding care requirements, destructive tendencies, prohibitive costs of keeping and potential risks make them a pet choice that is best avoided for most people.

If you are considering adopting an iguana as a pet, you need to take all this into account, and prepare for an enormous commitment.

Below, six reasons why adopting a pet iguana may not be such a great idea.

shallow focus photography of green iguana
Green Iguana – not the easiest pet to keep.

Why Iguanas Do Not Make Good Pets

1. Not Friendly or Cuddly

Green iguanas are inherently wild creatures, and they don’t naturally seek human companionship. In fact, they tend to be quite aloof and can display aggression when they feel threatened. This means that even if you’re successful in taming your iguana, it’s unlikely to become the cuddly, affectionate pet you might desire.

2. Require a Lot of Space

Fully grown green iguanas can reach lengths of up to 6 feet, making them substantial creatures that demand ample living space. Setting up a suitable enclosure can be both costly and challenging within the confines of a typical home. To cater to their needs, the enclosure should include climbing opportunities, distinct basking and cooling areas, as well as a designated water space.

3. High-Maintenance

Green iguanas come with a laundry list of specific care requirements. Their diet should consist of a variety of greens, fruits, vegetables, and insects, which can be both time-consuming and costly to manage. Furthermore, they rely on consistent heat, humidity, and access to UVB lighting. Regular cleaning of the enclosure and scheduled baths for your iguana are also necessary to maintain their well-being.

4. Destructive Tendencies

Green iguanas are strong, inquisitive creatures with a knack for causing havoc. They can easily damage furniture, plants, and various objects around your home. Climbing on surfaces adds to the chaos, as they may inadvertently knock over lamps and other items.

5. Not Safe for Children

The unpredictability of green iguanas makes them a risky choice, especially if you have children at home. Their sharp teeth and claws can inflict painful cuts and scratches. Additionally, their biting tendencies have the potential to cause more severe injuries, making them a questionable option for households with young ones.

6. Expensive Long-Term Commitment

While the initial cost of acquiring a green iguana might not break the bank, the expenses add up over time. The cost of their diet, proper housing, and potential veterinary care can strain your finances. Moreover, their long lifespan means you’re making a substantial, long-term commitment that involves a consistent investment in their well-being.

In conclusion, while green iguanas may seem like captivating pets, their temperament, demanding care requirements, destructive tendencies, and potential risks make them a pet choice that is best avoided for most people.

If you are considering getting a green iguana as a pet, it is important to do your research and make sure that you are prepared to meet all of their needs. If you are not sure if a green iguana is the right pet for you, there are many other options available.

Better Alternatives to Keeping Iguanas as Pets

Owning iguanas can be prohibitive due to all the aforementioned reasons. If you’re seeking a more suitable reptile companion, below are some options for lizard pets that are much more inexpensive and easier to care for.

Bearded Dragons

Bearded dragons are a good choice for first-time reptile owners. They are relatively small, docile, and easy to care for. They also have a reputation for being very friendly and affectionate.

Unlike iguanas, they are omnivorous, and feed primarily on insects while they are young, but switch to a diet based mostly on vegetables as they grow older.

Bearded dragons are relatively low-maintenance pets and can be handled frequently. They are also relatively inexpensive to care for.

Blue Tongue Skinks

Blue tongue skinks are another good option for beginner reptile owners. They are a bit larger than bearded dragons, but they are still relatively easy to care for. They are also known for being very docile and gentle.

Blue tongue skinks are also relatively low-maintenance pets and can be handled frequently. They are inexpensive and not difficult to care for, and make for a much more beginner-friendly lizard pet option than iguanas.


Uromastyx are a bit more challenging to care for than bearded dragons or blue tongue skinks, but they are still a good option for experienced reptile owners. They are very hardy and can tolerate a wide range of temperatures and humidity levels.

Like iguanas, they are mainly herbivores, but do not require as much food due to their smaller size, and they are not difficult to feed and keep as pets.

Uromastyx are not very affectionate, but they can be very rewarding pets. They are also relatively inexpensive to care for.

Ackie Monitors

Ackie monitors are a good choice for people who want a larger lizard that is still relatively easy to care for. They are intelligent and inquisitive animals that can be very rewarding to watch.

Ackie monitors are relatively low-maintenance pets and can be handled frequently. They are slightly more expensive to care for than bearded dragons or blue tongue skinks, but less than iguanas.

Argentine Tegus

Argentine tegus are the largest lizard on this list, and they require the most space and care. However, they are also very affectionate and rewarding pets. If you are willing to put in the time and effort, they can make great companions.

Argentine tegus are not as easy to care for as bearded dragons or blue tongue skinks, but they can be very rewarding pets.

Much like iguanas, they are relatively expensive to care for, but because of their omnivore diet, you can feed them on a variety of different foods and caring for them as pets is a little easier.

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