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How Long Can a Bearded Dragon Go Without Eating?

Bearded dragons are hardy creatures that can go for long periods of time without eating – even weeks or months while they are brumating.

The exact amount of time a bearded dragon can go without eating will vary depending on the age, health, and size of the dragon.

bearded dragon eating vegetables
Pet Bearded Dragon eating

As a rule of thumb, the older a bearded dragon, the less often it needs to be fed.

For example, a healthy adult bearded dragon can usually go 2-3 days without eating without any problems, whereas juveniles should be fed every day or two.

Hatchlings may need to feed multiple times a day, as they need as much protein as they can get in order to grow.

Juvenile Bearded Dragons

Juvenile bearded dragons need to eat more frequently than adult dragons. As a rule of thumb, they should be fed every day or every other day.

This is because they are still growing and developing, and they need the nutrients from food to fuel their growth.

The exact amount of food that a juvenile bearded dragon needs will depend on their size and activity level.

However, a good rule of thumb is to offer them a variety of feeder insects and vegetables that make up about 25% of their body weight.

Adult Bearded Dragons

Adult bearded dragons can go longer between meals. They can usually go 2-3 days without eating without any problems.

However, it is not recommended to let your adult bearded dragon go more than 3 days without eating. This is because they are not as active as juvenile dragons and they do not need as many calories.

As they age, bearded dragons also become less dependent on insects, and their diet consists mainly of fruits and vegetables.


Brumation is a natural process that bearded dragons go through in the winter to conserve energy. During brumation, bearded dragons’ metabolism slows down and they do not need to eat as much.

A bearded dragon that is brumating can go for several weeks or even months without eating. However, it is important to make sure that they have access to fresh water during this time.

Once brumation is over, your bearded dragon will start eating again. However, it may take them a few days to get back to their normal eating habits.

How to Tell If Your Bearded Dragon Is Hungry

There are a few ways to tell if your bearded dragon is hungry.

One way is to look at their body condition. If they are losing weight or becoming lethargic, it is a sign that they are not eating enough.

Another way to tell is to watch their behavior. If they are not as active or interested in food as they usually are, it is also a sign that they are hungry.

If you are concerned about your bearded dragon’s eating habits, it is best to consult with a veterinarian.

They can help you determine if there is an underlying medical problem or if your dragon is simply going through a temporary fasting period.

What to Do If Your Bearded Dragon Stops Eating

If your bearded dragon suddenly stops eating, it is important to take them to the vet to rule out any medical problems.

However, if your bearded dragon is healthy and just going through a temporary fasting period, there is no need to worry.

During this time, it is important to keep offering your dragon food and water. You can also try to tempt them with their favorite foods.

Most bearded dragons will start eating again on their own within a few days. However, if your dragon does not start eating after a week, you should take them to the vet.

Pet Bearded Dragon
Pet Bearded Dragon

How long can a bearded dragon go without eating?

A healthy adult bearded dragon can usually go 2-3 days without eating without any problems.

However, a sick or underweight dragon may not be able to go as long without food.

Juvenile bearded dragons need to eat more frequently, and they should be fed every day or every other day.

Why is my bearded dragon not eating?

There are many reasons why a bearded dragon might stop eating. Some common reasons include:

  • Stress: Bearded dragons are sensitive creatures and can be easily stressed. Stress can be caused by a variety of factors, such as a change in their environment, a new pet in the house, or even a loud noise.
  • Illness: If your bearded dragon is sick, they may not have the appetite to eat. Some common illnesses that can cause a bearded dragon to stop eating include parasites, infections, and metabolic bone disease.
  • Brumation: Bearded dragons go into a state of hibernation called brumation during the winter. During brumation, their metabolism slows down and they do not need to eat as much, but there is no reason to be concerned. It is important to provide your bearded dragon with a warm, safe place to brumate. You should also continue to offer them food and water, even though they may not eat it.
  • Diet: A healthy bearded dragon diet should include a variety of insects, vegetables, and small amounts of fruits. Younger lizards require a diet with a majority of insects, whereas adults should be fed mostly vegetables.

Why isn’t my bearded dragon eating and sleeping a lot?

If your bearded dragon is not eating and sleeping a lot, it could be a sign of illness. Some common illnesses that can cause these symptoms include parasites, infections, and metabolic bone disease. It is important to take your bearded dragon to the vet if you are concerned about their health.

What to do if my bearded dragon is not eating?

If your bearded dragon is not eating, the first thing you should do is check their environment for any potential stressors. Make sure that they have a warm, comfortable place to live and that they are not being harassed by other pets.

If you cannot find any obvious stressors, the next step is to take your bearded dragon to the vet. The vet can examine your dragon and rule out any medical problems.

If your dragon is healthy, the vet may recommend giving them a liquid diet or feeding them by hand.

With patience and care, most bearded dragons will eventually start eating again.

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