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Left: White-Throated Monitor Lizard, Right: Black-Throated Monitor Lizard

Keeping Monitor Lizards as Pets

Some species of monitor lizards can be kept as pets. Popular pet species include Savannah Monitors, Ackie Monitors, and Black-Throated Monitors. However, they require specialized care, proper enclosures, and experienced reptile keepers.

Adult Black & White Argentine Tegu Lizard

Guberty A.K.A Tegu Puberty: The “Terrible Twos”

  • Tegu

During guberty, your Tegu may go from sweet to sassy. Brace yourself for moody behavior and remember, it’s just a phase. With patience and enrichment, navigate through this challenging but temporary stage of their development. Embrace the journey and watch your rebellious companion mature into a cherished adult.

Uromastyx lizard with banana

Can Uromastyx eat banana?

Uromastyx lizards can consume bananas in moderation, but a well-rounded diet of primarily vegetables and plant-based foods is crucial. Fruits should only make up around 5% of their diet, with options such as apples, mangoes, and berries providing essential vitamins and minerals without the high sugar and phosphorus content of bananas.

Iguana with banana

Can iguanas eat bananas?

  • Iguana

Iguanas can enjoy bananas as a treat, but moderation is crucial due to their high sugar content. Bananas offer essential vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Incorporate small banana pieces into your iguana’s diet as a supplement to their leafy greens, promoting digestion and overall health.

Left: White-Throated Monitor Lizard, Right: Black-Throated Monitor Lizard

White Throat vs Black Throat Monitor Lizard: Battle of the Giants

The differences between white-throated and black-throated monitors lie in their size, behavior, diet, and pricing. White-throated monitors reach up to 2m, while black-throated monitors grow up to 7ft and are more aggressive. They have distinct dietary needs, and black-throated monitors are generally pricier due to breeding complexity.

Komodo Dragon and Human bones and skull

Can Komodo dragons eat humans?

Can Komodo dragons eat humans? While it is possible, it’s an extremely rare occurrence. Komodo dragons are apex predators that primarily eat carrion and larger prey like water buffalo and deer

Savannah Monitor Fruit

Can Savannah Monitors Eat Fruit?

Savannah monitors are strict carnivores and should not be fed fruits or vegetables. While their diet in the wild is high in protein and low in carbohydrates, adding fruit to their diet can lead to health problems

Tegu enclosure

Best Plants for Tegu Enclosure

  • Tegu

Learn about the best plants for tegu enclosures and tips for setting them up to ensure their survival. Avoid toxic plants and choose sturdy, established plants to minimize the risk of damage to your enclosure.

Best pet crocodilian species

Best Pet Crocodilians: A Guide for Expert Reptile Owners

Crocodilians, such as alligators, caimans, crocodiles, and gharials, have captivated people for centuries. While not suitable for most pet owners, some reptile enthusiasts may consider keeping crocodilians as pets. Common pet crocodilians include American alligators, spectacled caimans, dwarf caimans, and more.