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Tegu Tail Regrowth

Tail dropping in Tegu lizards

  • Tegu

Like most lizards, tegus can in fact drop their tails. The good news is, they can also regenerate it. Tail dropping usually occurs as a result of injury, diseases such as tail rot, or stress. In the wild, lizards will drop their tail when they feel threatened, this is a natural response to being in the presence of a potential predator. If a bird grabs a lizard by their tail,… Read More »Tail dropping in Tegu lizards

Northern Caiman Lizard (Dracaena guianensis) at the Shedd Aquarium, Chicago, IL

Do Tegu Lizards Like Being in Water?

  • Tegu

There are different species of tegu lizards, some of which enjoy water more than others. The three species of tegu commonly kept as pets (salvator merianae, salvator rufescens and tupinambis teguixin) are terrestrial and prefer living on the ground. They are however highly adaptive to different kinds of environments, from rainforest to semi-deserts, and some individuals may enjoy bathing, whereas others do not. Another species known as the Caiman lizard… Read More »Do Tegu Lizards Like Being in Water?

Tegu claws

Tegu claws and nail clipping

  • Tegu

Tegus have razor sharp claws and it can make handling them a painful experience, despite their tame disposition. Unlike cats, tegus are very unlikely to scratch you on purpose (tail whipping now, that’s a different story!), but if you are keeping one around the house you’ll still want to regularly trim their nails so you don’t look like you’ve been mauled by a big feline every time it climbs over… Read More »Tegu claws and nail clipping

Pet lizard basking under heat lamp

Pet lizard supplies & Checklist

One of the most crucial things you can do to properly care for a lizard is to set up an enclosure or terrarium which provides all the things it needs. A less than ideal habitat may result in serious health problems, stress and general unhappiness of your new pet. What exact supplies and equipment you will need largely depends on the species you are caring for, but most lizards actually… Read More »Pet lizard supplies & Checklist

Are tegus dangerous?

Are tegu lizards dangerous?

  • Tegu

Tegus are some of the largest lizards out there, yet they are relatively harmless to humans. Tegu attacks are rare but getting bitten by a tegu can be a very painful experience that requires medical attention. Regardless, tegus that are raised in captivity develop a tame disposition and rarely show signs of aggression. Despite being harmless to humans, wild tegu lizards pose a threat to other species especially in the… Read More »Are tegu lizards dangerous?

Colombian tegu vs Red tegu vs Argentine tegu

Friendly tegu species & morphs for beginners

  • Tegu

Tegu lizards are notoriously docile and somewhat beginner-friendly reptiles to keep as pets (at least compared to other big lizards like monitors). There are however a few different species and morphs which may require more time and attention. As a rule of thumb, the salvator merianae (a.k.a. Argentine tegu) is the best choice for first timers and also the most common overall. The Colombian tegu (or Gold tegu) on the… Read More »Friendly tegu species & morphs for beginners

Can lizards love?

Do lizards have feelings?

Reptiles are generally known for being somewhat apathetic and not particularly cuddly as pets, but many of them do in fact feel emotions. Reptile owners know that their snakes and lizards react differently when they are around, and some of the more intelligent species like bearded dragons, tegus and monitor lizards, are even considered to be capable of “affection”. Can lizards love  Love is an already ill-defined concept when it… Read More »Do lizards have feelings?

A common house gecko

Can you keep house lizards as pets?

  • Lizards

Have you ever found a lizard inside your house and wondered whether you could just keep it and raise it as your own? The good news is, in most cases, yes, you can actually keep a house lizard as a pet. The bad news – it will actually need quite a bit of effort on your side, in order for you to provide adequate care to your new household pet.… Read More »Can you keep house lizards as pets?

Can tegu eat tuna

Can tegus eat tuna?

  • Tegu

Tegus can eat fish, but feeding tuna should be done in moderation as it contains thiaminase that can reduce vitamin B1 absorption. Other fish options include salmon, tilapia, cod, and haddock, but fish should only make up a small part of the tegu’s diet.

Can tegus eat carrots

Can Tegus eat Carrots?

  • Tegu

Yes, you can feed tegu lizards both carrots and carrot tops. Tegus need a variety of vegetables as part of their diet, and carrots (including their leaves) are a very healthy choice thanks to their high amounts of vitamins and nutrients. Argentine black and white tegus and red tegus will need approximately 30% of their diet to be in the form of vegetables. For Colombian tegus / gold tegus, this… Read More »Can Tegus eat Carrots?