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Tegu Care

Tegu breeding

Tegu Breeding, Egg Incubation & Hatching

  • Tegu

Breeding in tegus requires both an adult female and male. Tegus reach sexual maturity at around age 2, the start of so-called “guberty” (tegu puberty), and females need to undergo one or two cycles of brumation in winter in order for their bodies to become able to accommodate eggs. Most tegu species can breed up to twice a year. Tegu breeding season generally occurs right after the end of this… Read More »Tegu Breeding, Egg Incubation & Hatching

Tegu on a leash

Tegu Harness and Leash

  • Tegu

Tegu owners who wish to take their pets out for a walk safely need to make sure they are properly secured with a harness and kept on a leash at all times. Tegus are not particularly easy to walk on a leash, and they will most likely rather be walking you in whichever direction they feel like going, but they will still enjoy their time out in the sun. Unfortunately,… Read More »Tegu Harness and Leash

Tegu enclosure

Tegu Enclosure Requirements & Caging Setup

  • Tegu

The most important thing to worry about when caring for a tegu lizard is to make sure it’s housed in an adequate environment, it is crucial to provide your tegu with a suitable enclosure that meets its needs and allows it to live a healthy and happy life. Tegus have specific requirements when it comes to enclosure size, lighting and heating, substrate and humidity; you will need to ensure that… Read More »Tegu Enclosure Requirements & Caging Setup

Can tegus eat spinach?

Can tegus eat spinach?

  • Tegu

Most tegu lizard owners prefer not to feed spinach to their pet. Tegus can eat spinach but it can be harmful in large amounts so you should keep consumption to a minimum or avoid feeding it altogether. Despite being a nutrition-packed dark leafy green, spinach has an extremely high content of oxalates which bind to calcium and prevent it from being properly absorbed. Calcium deficiency can lead to a variety… Read More »Can tegus eat spinach?

Colombian Tegu / Gold Tegu

Colombian Tegu (Gold Tegu): Information, Enclosure Requirements, Diet & Health Tips

  • Tegu

The Colombian tegu (tupinambis teguixin), also Gold tegu or Golden tegu, is a species of tegu lizard common in the pet trade, although it is not as easy to domisticate as the more popular Agentine tegu and Red tegu. This species is considered somewhat aggressive and not beginner-friendly, although it can still be tamed with a lot of patience and expertise. Compared to the other two aforementioned species, the gold… Read More »Colombian Tegu (Gold Tegu): Information, Enclosure Requirements, Diet & Health Tips

Red tegu eating a banana

Red Tegu Care: Information, Enclosure Requirements, Diet & Health

  • Tegu

Red tegus are popular pets due to their size and tame nature, with a reddish skin that looks almost like raw meat. They have slightly higher humidity requirements and are prone to skin-related health issues. This guide provides information on red tegu care, including size, lifespan, diet, and enclosure requirements.

Can tegus eat grapes?

Can tegus eat grapes?

  • Tegu

Tegu lizards are fond of sweet fruits and it is generally safe to feed them grapes and dates in limited amounts. If you can, try to get your hands on some Thompson seedless grapes as these are the best variety for tegus. If you can only find grapes with seeds then it is recommended that you cut each grape in half and get rid of the seeds yourself before serving… Read More »Can tegus eat grapes?

Tegu eating its greens and veggies

Best Vegetables for Argentine & Colombian Tegus

  • Tegu

Fruits and vegetables are an important part of a tegu lizard’s diet, as the main source of vitamins and micronutrients they need in order to stay healthy. Tegus are omnivore and need both protein from animal sources and a wide variety of fruits and vegetables in order to thrive. Nutrition experts recommend feeding your adult Argentine tegu or Red tegu no more than 30% of its diet in the form… Read More »Best Vegetables for Argentine & Colombian Tegus

Can tegu eat kale

Can Tegus Eat Kale?

  • Tegu

Kale is a safe and nutritious food choice for tegus, containing high levels of calcium and essential vitamins. Other recommended leafy greens include collard, mustard, and turnip greens.

Juvenile Argentine black and white tegu

Baby tegu care: Information, Enclosure & Diet Requirements

  • Tegu

Thinking of adopting a baby tegu? These lizards grow rather quickly and dramatically, with an adult male Argentine tegu reaching the size of a small dog (around 5 feet). In the first two years of their life, however, juvenile tegus are tiny and vulnerable, and they require additional care in order to stay healthy and thrive. If you have just adopted a tegu hatchling you are going to need to… Read More »Baby tegu care: Information, Enclosure & Diet Requirements