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Monitor Lizard

Monitor lizard care guide and information: enclosure requirements, diet and feeding, health and more. How to keep and care for monitors as a pet – Ackie monitor, Savannah monitor, Asian Water dragon, etc.

Are Monitor Lizards Dangerous?

Are monitor lizards dangerous?

Monitor lizards, such as the Komodo dragon, can grow up to 10 feet in size and are dangerous carnivores, yet are commonly kept as house pets due to their relative docility with consistent handling. While they can be venomous, their bites are usually treatable with antibiotics and not fatal to humans. However, there has been at least one case of a man being killed by his pet monitors, which may have been due to an infection from a bite rather than an intentional attack.

Pet Komodo Dragon on a Leash. AI Generated.

Komodo Dragon As a Pet? Here’s What You Need To Know

The Komodo Dragon is one of the largest, scariest, and most magnificent reptiles out there. Unfortunately, they are a protected species and illegal to own. And in any case, you would not want to keep one as a pet. Komodo dragons are massive 10-feet long, 300-pound heavy beasts that would be incredibly difficult to feed and care for. Not to mention the fact that they have strong teeth and a… Read More »Komodo Dragon As a Pet? Here’s What You Need To Know

Ackie Monitor Lizard

Names For Pet Monitor Lizard | Cool Male, Female & Gender-Neutral Name Ideas

Are you adopting a monitor lizard and looking for ideas on how to name your new pet? Have a look below for some inspiration, with our list of names suitable for Ackies, Savannah monitors, Nile monitors, and Asian Water Monitors of any gender. We selected a few names inspired by the world of lizards, dragons, pop culture and mythology, or which we simply found to be especially suited or funny… Read More »Names For Pet Monitor Lizard | Cool Male, Female & Gender-Neutral Name Ideas

Can a monitor eat your cat or dog?

Can you keep monitor lizards with cats and dogs?

Monitor lizards are becoming increasingly common as house pets. After all, there are some species which are relatively docile, smart, fun to keep around, and not dangerous to humans. But if you have cats, dogs or other small animals in your house, then you may wonder if it’s safe to let them play together given how big a monitor can get in size. Can monitor lizards live with cats? Whether… Read More »Can you keep monitor lizards with cats and dogs?

Pet lizard basking under heat lamp

Pet lizard supplies & Checklist

One of the most crucial things you can do to properly care for a lizard is to set up an enclosure or terrarium which provides all the things it needs. A less than ideal habitat may result in serious health problems, stress and general unhappiness of your new pet. What exact supplies and equipment you will need largely depends on the species you are caring for, but most lizards actually… Read More »Pet lizard supplies & Checklist

Can lizards love?

Do lizards have feelings?

Reptiles are generally known for being somewhat apathetic and not particularly cuddly as pets, but many of them do in fact feel emotions. Reptile owners know that their snakes and lizards react differently when they are around, and some of the more intelligent species like bearded dragons, tegus and monitor lizards, are even considered to be capable of “affection”. Can lizards love  Love is an already ill-defined concept when it… Read More »Do lizards have feelings?

Ackie Monitor Lizard

Monitor Lizard Care Tips

Caring for a monitor lizard is no easy feat as these animals require daily attention and specific environmental conditions in order to thrive and be happy. If you own a Savannah monitor or any big lizard, you need to make sure that they have daily access to food, water and entertainment, that their environment is clean and has adequate sources of light and heat, and to carry out health checks… Read More »Monitor Lizard Care Tips

Monitor Lizard Taking a Bath

Big Lizard Enrichment: How to entertain your Monitor Lizard

Monitor lizards, on par with tegus, are amongst the most highly intelligent reptiles out there. If you are keeping a big lizard as a pet, you will be amazed by their inquisitive nature, memory and awareness. As smart creatures, though, they tend to get bored easily and it is important for you as a caregiver to provide enough stimuli to keep them intellectually stimulated. This is called “enrichment”, and can… Read More »Big Lizard Enrichment: How to entertain your Monitor Lizard

Monitor Lizard as Pet

Can you keep a monitor lizard as a pet?

Monitor lizards are becoming increasingly common as pets and they can make for a great reptile companion under the right circumstances. These creatures are highly intelligent, quite interactive, and can be tamed and even trained. Keeping a monitor lizard is however a huge commitment, both in terms of time and costs, and caring for large, exotic wild animals is definitely not for everyone. Monitor Lizard Pets Many species of monitor… Read More »Can you keep a monitor lizard as a pet?